About the Author
Kathleen Dunleavy
Kathleen is a mother of four, grandmother of eleven, and a great grandmother to a beautiful boy. Her primary interests are her family, children, gardening, walking, writing, spirituality, benevolence, and music. She is an accomplished pianist and organist.
Kathleen’s professional career was in nursing. She was employed at New York-Presbyterian Hospital for forty years in the fields of Neurology and Neurosurgery. Prior to her retirement, she was the Patient Care Director of the Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit.
While at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, in addition to her nursing responsibilities, Kathleen was the co-chairperson of the hospital’s Organ Donor Council, chairperson of the Pastoral Care Advisory Board, and a member of the Medical Ethics Committee.
Kathleen was a recipient of the Nursing Leadership Award while actively working and received several recognitions upon her retirement
Reader's Review

Beautiful, Catchy, and Full of Life.
Touching, from the heart. A beautiful woman sharing her thoughts, feelings and love for her family. Funny, too.

A beautiful woman sharing her thoughts
Enjoyed the book.

This is a mother writing about the people and major events in her life. The book began as a legacy for my children with prayer-poems which I have been writing for twenty years for my family’s prayer-before-dinner each Thanksgiving. Each family member has a verse written about their year.
On 9/11, I was working at New York-Presbyterian Hospital when the Towers were hit and my staff hurriedly prepared our Intensive Care Unit to receive victims. The horrible event resulted in the writing of a passionate poem which also is included.
The deaths of three family members resulted in the writing of three elegies and a troubled period of life resulted in a lengthy passionate work. Spirituality and family history are the primary themes of the book. The book follows an enlarging family as it has grown and developed over twenty years. A number of works are devoted to solemn subjects, reflecting spirituality. There are a total of 22 poems. The poems are diverse, many are solemn, some are sacred, two are passionate and the Thanksgiving verses are true-to-life.

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Beautiful, catchy, and full of life's experiences! "Bless me Father , for I have sinned . Is music to God's ears." is so full of meaning for Catholics especially. I just loved it ! Another favorite is Best Friends and the two dogs - So true - Unconditional love of a dog. Loved the paintings and their explanations. Let's have more !